Monday, January 18, 2016

A little update

I wrote this on my facebook page, but I wanted to write it here as well.

My life has been kind of a rollercoaster since I moved to London, and the last month of the year came with more changes than I could've ever imagined.

I now live in Birmingham, a place I know very little about, and only know two people.

So here's a little bit (actually A LOT) about that.


On Friday I left London, and moved to Birmingham to start working for a Christian Organization called Christian Vision.

The story of how I got this job, the home I live in now, and the whole process from making the decision to move, and to accept this position is one that I still find hard to believe, and it has taken me weeks to digest, because it came out of nowhere and it happened very fast. The truth is it had little to do with me, and everything to do with God's plan in my life.

I hear so much about people being called to do things, and people being led by God where they are today. Since I've became a Christian I wondered if I would ever get to experience that, you know... hearing God in my life.

I doubted so many times and thought "maybe my faith isn't strong enough, maybe my relationship with God isn't strong enough, maybe I don't know how to pray, perhaps I'm doing this whole Christian thing wrong, THERE SHOULD BE A MANUAL" but the thing is, my relationship with God has completely changed who I am, and what I want out of life. I know now my walk is different than everyone else's walk, not better or worse just different.

Making the decision to move here came with more fears than I have ever experienced, and yet somehow an inexplicable sense of peace covered me everyday as well, I know this decision was the right one, I don't know why, I just know.

The moving process was so incredibly hard, and exhausting, and if you know me you know it didn't come free of tears -crying is what I do best- everything that could go wrong in a move would go wrong, and then suddenly out of nowhere a solution, so maybe just maybe this is exactly what people mean when they say they were called to do something, I choose to believe that, because this has God written all over it. If there was one problem, there was one blessing.

Today was my first day at work, and as the day went on all of those fears, and insecurities about this somehow started to go away, I still don't know what I'm even doing here, but I know I am where I'm supposed to be.

I try to be as genuine as I can, but being this vulnerable on this or any platform where maybe some people will judge me, and automatically place me in this "religious box" is hard.

I wanted to share this because it's something that has made me see, and understand God's beauty, and His love for me in a whole new level. It has made me grow so much both as a person, and in my faith, and really that is all I could ever ask for. It's a beautiful thing.

I hope whether you believe or not that you get the chance to experience this kind of unfailing love.

This is all.


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